Flex Deck Playing Cards - Four Color

Flex Deck Playing Cards - Four Color
Royal Red Tuck Box and Card Back Design by renowned playing card designer, Valentina Badeanu.
Classic Four Color Borders.
Combine multiple classic games all in one deck of playing cards.
Originally invented for a backpacking trip into the Grand Canyon.
Great to play as an educational game, where ever you are. Alone or with friends.
Played many different ways by teachers, service members, families of all ages.
Made in the U.S.A. by the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC).
How To Play:
We believe that house rules are official rules. By that, we mean you pick how you play the Flex Deck. Mix classic systems of fun with double-nine dominoes, word games and traditional card indices, all in one.
Card Games to Play: Solitaire, blackjack, euchre, blitz, hearts, spades, rummy, gin, go-fish, crazy eights, egyptian rat screw, etc.
Domino Games to Play: double-six dominoes, double-nine dominoes, texas 42, mexican train, blind hughie, one armed Joe, sniff, spinners, etc.
Letter Games to Play: Build a crossword grid or enjoy variations of solitaire, hangman and poker among other rules that you may already know.
There are more game rules added to our website regularly as players share their house rules with others.
Teaching Game Aid To Help Learn:
Ratios, Fractions, Integers, Decimals, Proportions, Interventions, Real number operations, Exponents.
Learning English and Spelling Skills.
Helps develop communication, cooperation and creativity skills in students.
For Younger Children:
Helps kids to distinguish symbols, count dominoes, and learn letters.
Develops creativity and communication skills while making their own games that mix the classics.